Also, some influence from Warcraft III can be seen. The player can use Fate Points (gained in combat) to summon heroes, purchase their special abilities, and activate special faction-specific Fate Powers that will aid him or her in gameplay (such as summoning an Ent or a Balrog). This resource is called Yin or Yang in the previous game, depending on the faction being used, and is called Fate here. The game also emulates Battle Realms’ yin and yang system, where combat experience (or special actions) would provide a special resource that could be used to buy upgrades or units. Some features from Battle Realms that were carried over include toggleable walking and running for units and the ability to set buildings on fire. The game also follows certain RTS conventions such as having rally points and controlling unit creation and purchase of upgrades at designated buildings.

Most regular units also have abilities of their own. A similar layout and control system is used, and the player gets to control hero units with special abilities. The game plays much like Warcraft III with added features, some previously used in Battle Realms. The game is licensed by Tolkien Enterprises, as are other book-based (as opposed to film-based) Tolkien games such as The Fellowship of the Ring and The Hobbit (2003). War of the Ring is unrelated to the films by Peter Jackson.

Tolkien’s fictional Middle-earth, it expands upon the events of the War of the Ring as told in his fantasy novel, The Lord of the Rings. The Lord of the Rings: War of the Ring is a 2003 real-time strategy game (RTS) developed by Liquid Entertainment and published by Sierra Entertainment, a subsidiary of Vivendi Universal Games.