Its current head is Ser Bronn of the Blackwater who. Anyone who has watched all eight seasons of Game of Thrones will know that houses in Westeros can rise and fall seemingly overnight even the Great Houses of Westeros. Are you a Stark Lannister Targaryen Greyjoy Tyrell Tully Martell or Baratheon. Might even get you a bartending gig in Kings Landing. House Lannister - loose curly or wavy golden hair and green eyes. Westeros is home to many great and noble houses and its pretty hard to read A Song of Ice and Fire or watch Game of Thrones without imagining yourself as a. Remember though this is Game of Thrones a house with such a history wont be so easily destroyed. The Great Houses are the houses that lord over their entire kingdom like the Starks do with the North the Arryns do with the Vale or the Lannisters do with the Westerlands.

3 ways to watch Game of Thrones for free Extinct Game of Thrones houses These major houses all saw their last trueborn member die at some point in Game of Thrones. It was integrated with the Kingdom of the North. Houses play a big role in the A Song Of Ice Fire book series and the Game Of Thrones television showWhich Great House would you belong in. With the White Walkers set to attacks all of Westeros it is helpful to remember what houses might appear to assist in the battle for survival.

House Arryn - rulers of the Vale of Arryn from the castle of the Eyrie. If they do the house could continue to be a power in Westeros but as it stands the name has slipped to 9 in the power rankings because we arent even sure if they still exist. House Bolton - Black hair and eerie ghost grey eyes somewhere between very pale blue and practically dirty ice House Florent - large ears. Current Great Houses Bronns House - rulers of the Reach from the castle of Highgarden. The others are known as vassal or lesser noble houses and they serve the Great Houses. It is important to remember each house from Game of Thrones before the new season closes. Spring might be in full bloom but dont be fooled winter is coming. The premiere is going to be epic and so should your viewing party. The lands of Westeros and beyond may be fictional but the designs featured in the show can. The 8th and final season of HBOs Game of Thrones premieres Sunday April 14 2019. House Baratheon - black hair blue eyes and square jaws. But i f you want the wonders of Westeros to last long after the series ends consider surrounding yourself with decor fit for Kings Landing. What are the 9 houses in game of thrones. Game Of Thrones Wallpapers 9 Major Houses Of Westeros Game Of Thrones Houses Winter Is Coming Wallpaper Game Of Thrones Show off your Westeros expertise with these drinks worthy enough for the nine noble houses. The seven kingdoms in Westeros are home to over 300 noble houses but there are only nine Great Houses which are also referred to as great families.